Hale & Hush Skincare

The name says it all. With hale meaning free from disease and hearty, and hush meaning to calm and soothe, Hale & Hush is a high quality natural skincare brand with a focus on sensitive skin. Winning awards year after year for its product line, Hale & Hush products are what many cancer treatment centers and med spas offer for continued care of the skin.

Pioneering Greatness for Sensitive Skin Types
Kris Campbell, CEO and Founder of Hale & Hush, is a licensed esthetician who has been part of the professional skincare industry since 2004. Early in her career, she worked with professional skincare brands at an FDA laboratory and saw the dire need for quality skincare products designed for extremely sensitive and health-compromised skin.

Using her expertise, she first created TecNiche for highly sensitive skin. Then in 2015, she founded Hale & Hush, marked as the only professional skin care line that exclusively focuses on sensitive skin.

The Specialists for Sensitive Skincare
Hale & Hush features a product line in oncology cosmeceuticals that devotes itself solely to those with sensitive skin. While many brands will have a product or two for sensitive skin, or even a series, it still may be too harsh to use. In Campbell’s research, she found that other brands would take out all the active ingredients and then call it safe for sensitive skin.

However, sensitive skin requires products that are effective while being mild. That’s why she created a brand that would be gentle and effective. The products are soothing, comforting, and balanced, offering a way to strengthen and revitalize skin over time.

On a Mission for Saving Your Skin
Because of its roots, Hale & Hush only contains the finest ingredients in these products, all from nature. Dermatology testing is conducted on every product to ensure it is safe and suitable for sensitive skin. Herbs and botanicals are chosen over harsher chemicals, making these nutritional components and antioxidants come together for nutricosmetics.

Additionally, Hale & Hush is free of sulfates, parabens, and gluten. Some products are completely fragrance-free while others are scented naturally to ensure your skin doesn’t become agitated.

The mission to give people top quality skincare with products that are gentle for extremely sensitive skin is one that Hale & Hush takes very seriously. If you have health-challenged skin from medical treatments or it is sensitive to the point of extremeness, this brand can help you achieve your healthy skincare goals.